Corruption: (Note: Any suggestions would be appreciated) As we have all seen from the Mega Man X games, no reploid is free from corruption (Save X but he's special) so ergo there must be a way to determine if your character is becoming "evil", of course we are mostly all a little evil so unless your character has a 100 in corruption.And for anyone who questions why X never goes maverick, he's special, and as he goes through the series he does seem to get more and more jaded, but this is highly contestable. This is the best way I could think of to measure this so if you have a better idea I would love to hear it ( Also if you can come up with a good reason other then "Well X hasn't gotten evil" tell me and so it doesn't sound like I am being a jerk, think of it this way, X is the hero, for the same reason he takes on armies upon armies of "thugs" and never get's completely destroyed, he's the hero, he is better then you, and everyone else, and so he will remain. Your starting points is determined by Your intelligence and your cool times 5, this gives you the possibility of 100 (Obviously). You can regain points, but it is not easy and requires a you to roll below or equal to your stability. [Loosing Corruption points: To loose a corruption points your reploid must make a resisted Cool roll and fail, each time you fail, you loose a corruption point. Very simple. [Gaining Corruption points: As previously explained you may regain corruption points with a roll below or equal to your character's stability this roll however can only be made directly after a resisted cool rolling, whether you can make this roll only after a failed roll is up to your moderator. [Zero Corruption points: Your character has 5 rounds of turmoil in wich s/he can do nothing but make one roll per round in an attempt to regain enough points to be back to normal (2). If s/he does not succeed then you are expected to RP a 180 or turn your character over to the moderator, you now hate your friends, you are for injustice and making people miserable and all kinds of other cliche' evil type things. Remember, becoming a maverick is a shadow always hanging over your reploid's head.