Appearance: (Note: Almost all of this chart is stolen from Mekton) [Flip a coin (This is an optional rule) Heads=Humanoid form Tails=Anthro-form [Roll 1d10 (Remember, if you you can skip one or both) [HairColor] [Hair Style] [Eye Colour] 1=Red Neat Blue 2=Blue Long, strait Green 3=Green Shortw/ bangs Silver 4=Blonde Swept over 1 eye Ruby 5-6=Black Short/Strait Brown 7=Orange Long, Curly Amber 8=Purple Long w/bangs Gold 9=Silver/white Short, curly Violet 0=Brown Wild Shifting [Height] 1-3= 4'5"-5'5" 4-6= 6'-6'8' 7-9= 7'-8' 0= 9'-10'5" [Ethnic Pattern] Think of it this way, your creator either made you in their own image or in one they felt desirable so ergo.. ethnic pattern. 1=Anglo-American 2=African 3=Japanese/Korean 4=Central European/Soviet 5=Pacific Islander 6=Chinese/Southeast Asian 7=African American 8=Hispanic American 9=Central/South American 0=European