The Power Copy Systems The exact power that is copied is a open system, so I give you, suggestions! Roll 1d6 1-2=Level 3 3-4=Level 6 5-6=Level 9 Pick them Have the game master pick Suggestions, have a small spiral pad so you can remember what powers you have and what they do, because if you manage to survive any worthwhile amount of time and you use your character sheet, it'll look nasty. [X System Cost=350 Space=2 Memory=10 This is the reason I am Assuming that most DLed this,or at least one of the reasons, this is the projectile version as well as the original system, this allows you to copy a reploid's ability, you of course have a limited amount, these will all be explained in later paragraphs. Also, I am imposing some limitations, it's a mighty phat weapon, so if you don't like my rules then change them for your game, of course I have been RPing for ten years and game mastering for 6, but what do I know. >Stealing a power *You may only steal a power once *You may only steal one power from any subject *You must come in physical contact with the subject *The Subject must be in their armoured form *The subject must have elemental abilities *You must hold contact for 10 seconds(2 rounds) *You may only store 10 stolen powers *A power is only in your systems for 50hrs *You may not overwrite a power, you must wait the 50hrs >Using a stolen Power *If you do not have elemental Mastery you take the a skill penalty (Difficulty +10) *Your weapon has 30 points of power per stolen power *The stolen power has a power requirement equal to the skill level, 3, 5 or 10. The amount of neccicary power increases by two if the skill holder had a level of 11 *The damage for the stolen power remains unchanged. *The SP for a stolen power remains unchanged *The effect (shock,burn,freeze) is lessened by 1/4 *You may not overwrite a power, you must wait [Zero System Cost=320 Space=2(weapon)/3(body) Memory=8 This is probably the other reason, zero's specific system, from the two games that he was in with this, I have established that his power basically works like this, it is based off of a set of predefined perimeters more for close range combat, so I have set up the perimeters. here you go >Stealing a Technique *You may only steal a technique from a subject once *You may only steal one technique from any subject *You must come in physical contact with the subject *The Subject must be in their armoured form *The subject must have elemental abilities *You must hold contact for 5 seconds(1 rounds) *You may only store 8 stolen Techniques *You may not change the perimeter once decided *You may overwrite a teqnique no need to await it's deletion >Using a stolen Technique *You must define a perimeter first *The Effect remains unchanged *The damage is equal to the max number of dice+weapon dmg (Note, if their skill level is 11, double said number) *A defensive power is one of the Body perimeters *An Offensive power is one of the weapon perimeters *The effect is unchanged (Freeze, shock, burn, etc.) *Once a Power is over-written it cannot be recalled, period >Weapon Perimeters *Uppercut(Doubled vertical jump with attack) *Stab (Allows for any attack to cause aggravated damage) *Spike (This is a downward attack allowing an area effect the are is defined in feet by the level 1-3) *Moving slash (This allows you to attack while moving without the added difficulty) >Body Perimeters *Dash Jets upgrade=This allows you to use the power with the dash Jets propulsion force also giving you an MA bonus equal to the level of the power (Usage:A flame power would allow you to have flames forwarding you instead of the normal method) *Torso Upgrade=This allows A total of 5 2 round defensive actions per level of ability giving immunity to attacks of the element (Example:You Steal a flame power, you may activate it and spend 2rnds immune to a flame attacks) *Arm Upgrade=This allows stealing of a defensive power (Usage:A "Frost Shield" or a "Flame Barrier") *Head Upgrade=This allows for a second of any one perimeter except the arm upgrade)