Life is a game and you're up, are you ready to play?
=Wisdom ¥ Anime ¥ Role Playing stuff ¥ Megaman X RPG Cork Board ¥ DARKON ¥ Framed Page ¥ HOME=

It just keeps getting better


This page is dedicated to the MMX Rpg I am writing,it's the only real MMX rpg on the net, those free form look how pretty I speak ones are shit, they are not real RPG's just like larping using paper-rock-scissors is crap compared to DARKON, but back to the point, it will contain updates on what I have done and as of tomarrow the DL link will work.
I don't remember where I stole this BG pic from so if it's your's E-mail me and I'll give credit where credit is do.
As for right now this is all the info on the source book as it stands.

few notes about Role playing for the younge ones, Role Playing and Roleplaying are different.
Role Playing, two words is what sick pathetic old people do to spice up their sex lives
Roleplaying, a compound word is The use of imagination to be become somone else for amusemnt, this works like this..
A Roleplaying Game=A Book and dice system, One uses one's imagination to place themselves in a fantasy character's place and dice to fairly resolve combat and other character ability related situations
A Live-Action Roleplay=
.......1>(The definition for pansies)A system where when ever possible you RP being a fantasy character in real life and resolve skill and combat related issues with rock-paper-scissors
.......2>(The Definition for the dedicated)A system where when ever possible you RP a fantasy character and resolve combat with foam,Rattan, or steel weapons and skills are resolved through preset spell points and spell balls for magic
The phrase "Roll Play" is for bitches who want everything to go their way at all times, and as we all know, real life doesn't work like that.

This is a source book for the Mekton Zeta RPG, I suggest owning these books. Mekton Zeta, Mekton Plus, Cyberpunk 2020, Cyberpunk 2020 Pacific Rim Source book.(Note: The only book you'll need is Mekton Zeta Book)
There is as of now a .CDR version of the character sheet so if anyone has corel and what ever adobe program it is that makes .PDF files click the link above the book DL links to DL it.
The Character creation process is in it's testing phase, I haven't gotten my freinds to make character sheets yet, but I am working on it.
The X and Zero systems are also in their beta phases I have my lab rats checking that out.
The Full weapons list is completed
The new skills are completed
The new body construction is done, and fixed(Sorry about the elemental converter moofup)
A few notes in refrence to some of the e-mails I have received.

1)I am making a role playing world based on megamanx I am not making a system so you can throw super powerful reploids into your game, making it stupidly unbalancing.
2)I have been roleplaying for almost 11 years, I am a well practiced dork, so if you think you can do a better one delete mine and get the hell off of my page.
3)I am not making this to specs for every single dork who thinks one thing or another is not fair, if you don't like it change it yourself, the only place I am wavering on this is the X & Zero systems, I am trying to get that perfected
4)If you don't like the html page I wrote up in all of 20 minutes make a better one, it's not that difficult, just open the shit in notepad and save it as .html
5)I do appreciate input, I do not appreciate bitching.
Difference "I see there being a problem with (insert rule here) because (insert reason here)" That is input.
Example two "Why don't you have (insert thing here), if you were realy serious about this you would have put (insert thing here) in your book" that is bitching
6)I am making this book as much for everyone on the net as I am myself, so if you wanna help I would be more then happy to accept it, otherwise see note number 5.

I am still trying to find a decent map of the MMX world, until then I won't be able to make anything of that nature, cause well I failed geograpy, besides, I'm an html progammer.

And now the updates will begin having dates!!
.........The MMX RPG Page has been put up
.........The non-transforming mount has been put into the weapons (2_A_WPNS.TXT)

.........The MMX RPG files have been put up as of today
.........Bitching and moaning page has begun, considering I am building it soley at work, it's gonna be big, quickly

.........I just realized there are no combat rules, damn me and being burnt like a bitch, well until my dumbass fixes this use human combat rules. And blame it on the Weed!
.........The Bitching page is cancelled, because I tried to upload the initial page onto the servers and after only 3 days of working on it it's a little over 2 megs, and I can't upload anyting above 2megs

........."Good Book" Has been refined, as has the zero system
..........CDR Versions of the X & Zero system sheets have been completed, I'll post a link to them, but you need a program that can read .cdr files, the only one I know of is corel. There is also a Reploid Sheet.

.........Combat is UP!!!!
.........I have a basic partner section up, everyone tell me what you think

.........There is now a MMX Message board, the link is in the top bar of the page and HERE
.........Character name assistance, thankyou

.........A completly aligned version of the book is now up this was done in "Star office" so if you have that, use that to read it, otherwise use "write"
.........A print freindly version is now up (That's why there are massive line breaks, it looks ugle but good on paper, oh and it's long, I'll have a page number up soon

.........A Frames version of the page has been put up
Coming soon=
(Note:when any of the coming soon are done the text will become bright blue and all kinds of noticable like THIS!
............A PDF Version of the character sheet, it's proving to be a bit more difficult then I thought.
............The Mavericks and sample character sheets
............Some day a full set of hacking rules, don't hold your breath, this one is completly up to request
............Very Soon, Combat Rules (Sorry, I just realized I hadn't even touched on repliod combat, expect that before the mid of next month
............An Ancient Upgrade process for those sentai campaignes (Don't hold your breath, this is at the end of my list of shit to do)
............Partner construction system(This will be released with the examples, I'll create a Rush X for megaman)
............A Fanart Section, this is explicitly for people who have drawn their Characters, send me the pic and your character sheet and I'll put the info up, as much as I would appreciate art of Zero or X I want this to be dedicated to the RPG and getting people into it, doesn't look like this is going up, I can't draw and I've gotten no submissions
............Pictures of a life sized megaman costume, It'll take me about a month to finish construction and a bit of capitol but it will be done and it'll look kick ass, and I'll have my X-Buster built and I'll have pics of that as well (Thank Jesus that Red and Green make Yellow)
............A Framed/Java version of the Source Book

DownLoad Section
Reploid Character sheet, not in ZIP file until I can create a PDF version.
X-System sheet, not in ZIP file until I can create a PDF version.
Zero System sheet, not in ZIP file until I can create a PDF version.
Here is the link to DL what I have, fyi, the index file is in .txt format so after unzipping change it to .html and open it in a web browser(Note: Aol is not a webbrowser, it's a toy/)
The only real Mega man X rpg on the net
Click Here to download the frames version of the SRC bookThe directory name Must be "mmx_rpg" exact case, otherwise the links won't work for some people
You may also DL the files indavidualy a page will only be "updated" for a month then the * for indicating it is updated will be removed. Also any new sections will be denoted with a "!"

Links now with "open in new window" freshness mmmm fresh!
Here is something I thought was neat, so if you're stuck on a character name click here

Click here and save these pics into your MMX_rpg directory
Best if view while you're barley concious (It looks realy nasty)
Index File*
Here is the OL version of the frames source book, all files are updated at the same time, so anything that is recently updated here, is updated on the frames version
Best if viewed in a font sensative program(Basicaly anything but notepad)
Base Stats*
New Skills*
Body Construction*
Life Path*
Partner Creation*
Shot Weapons*
Melee Weapons*
Missle Weapons*
Misc. Weapons*
The X and Zero Systems*
New Equipment*
Combat first half*
Combat Second half*